The Stone House: May update

This is a photo of a once neglected but now very happy stone farmhouse with a new cedar shake roof. 

Not going to lie, this was a painful if not reckless financial choice. However, onward we move, knowing we shouldn't have to worry about the roof for many years to come. It adds texture and warmth, it's a natural material, and it will fade to grey over time, to match the stone. No regrets. The copper eaves seem like an additional extravagance, however, they honestly weren't much more than regular painted eaves troughs.

Just wait until you see it all with newly painted trim. It positively glows with warmth and joy.


Upstairs progress: We painted out the staircase with Pure & Original Classico chalk paint in Provincial Gold. This colour is a nod to the window and trim which were originally painted out a similar colour (see below).

The other upstairs addition is the Shaker Stove from Wittus, designed by Antonio Citterio with Toan Nguyen. Since the furnace isn't connected to the second floor, we figured a cozy fire would be a good idea.  How could we not go with this stove? Inspired by shaker stoves but practical for today's needs. And yes, we need to extend the base out...we'll get to that... 

Original house tour.