Tall Perforated Cylindrical Vessel

A freestanding ceramic vessel in white glaze by tea master and ceramicist Masanobu Ando. It can be used as a stand-alone sculpture or a flower vase.
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Design  Masanobu Ando
Manufacturer  Momogusa
Made in  Japan
Dimensions  L 8cm x H 41cm W 8cm
Colour & Materiality  Ceramic, white glaze

Masanobu Ando started his career creating contemporary art and studying Buddhism. Following this period, he channeled his influence derived from Zen culture into his works and began creating functional objects for daily life. In 1988, he remodelled an original Japanese ceremonial teahouse in his hometown of Tajimi into a gallery called Galerie Momogusa. His works are predominantly slab-built, using sheets of clay that are molded together to form a variety of shapes – a technique called tatara that the artisan naturally embraced as it enabled expression of his underlying concept of Zen culture, which is centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.